EU New Migration Partnership with Mauritanie
Commissioner for Home Affairs, Ylva Johansson together with the Mauritanian Minister of Interior and Decentralisation, Mohamed Ahmed Ould Mohamed Lemine, have signed a Joint Declaration launching an EU-Mauritania migration partnership.
The launch of the partnership follows President Ursula von der Leyen‘s visit to the country in February, when the President announced mobilisation of EUR 210 million for Mauritania. As President von der Leyen said, the European Union and Mauritania must step up create more opportunities for young people. The funding will support migration management including the fight against migrant smuggling, as well as promote security and stability, humanitarian aid for refugees and support to host communities. It will also support Global Gateway initiatives, including investments, infrastructures and job creations primarily in the field of energy.
This migration partnership with Mauritania addresses cooperation based on solidarity, shared responsibility, and respect for human and fundamental rights. It is based on five pillars:
- Creating job opportunities: reinforcing access to vocational training, access to financing for enterprises, improving skills and competencies for young Mauritanians, particularly women.
- Protection and asylum: supporting Mauritanian efforts to address the arrival of refugees, from reception capacity protecting the most vulnerable.
- Promoting legal migration: by encouraging mobility, including of students, researchers and entrepreneurs. To further explore reinforcing the circular mobility, access to the EU job market for Mauritanians living in Europe, as well as supporting their integration.
- Reinforcing cooperation to prevent irregular migration: the aim is to fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, protecting victims. This will be done through joint investigations, reinforced security and operational cooperation. Strengthened cooperation on return and readmission concerning Mauritanians irregularly staying in the EU, respecting their rights and dignity.
- Strengthening border management: increasing cooperation on search and rescue operations and strengthening the capacities of border management authorities, also with a reinforced cooperation with Frontex – particularly through training and equipment.
The European Commission will work together with Mauritanian counterparts to implement the Joint Declaration. The EU and Mauritania will set up an Action Plan to ensure coordination and guide operational cooperation under the Joint Declaration.
Source: EU/Rapid Press release